講題: 在信心中歸回 Title: Returning in Faith 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記 Ezra 1:5, 2:1-2, 64-67 1 歸回的決心 The resolve of returning 2 歸回的行動 The action of returning 3 歸回的賞賜 The reward of returning
講題: 以斯拉記: 個人和教會復興的呼召 Title: Ezra: The Calling for Personal and Church’s Revival 經文Scripture: 列王紀上First Kings 八章2節 , 以斯拉記Ezra 1:5 復興的七個階段:Seven stages of Revival: 1. 察覺 Aware: 2. 了解: Understand what God…