使徒的祈禱 Apostle’s Prayer
講題: 使徒的祈禱 Title: Apostle’s Prayer
經文Scripture: 以弗所書 Ephesians 3
1 福音的奧秘 The mystery of the gospel
2 雙重的歷史 The two-fold history
3 禱告的大能 The power of prayer
Apostle’s Prayer, 使徒的祈禱
講題: 使徒的祈禱 Title: Apostle’s Prayer
經文Scripture: 以弗所書 Ephesians 3
1 福音的奧秘 The mystery of the gospel
2 雙重的歷史 The two-fold history
3 禱告的大能 The power of prayer