爭戰的教會 The Church at War
主題: 爭戰的教會
Title: The Church at War
經文: 以弗所書6:10-20節;哥林多後書10:4-6節
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20; 2Corinthians 10:4-6
一 認識屬靈爭戰Understanding the spiritual warfare弗6:10-12節
- 爭戰的呼召 Call to the warfare 弗6:10
- 爭戰的力量 Power for fighting 弗6:10
- 爭戰的緊迫 Urgency of fighting 弗6:11
- 爭戰的性質 Nature of the warfare 弗6:12
- 爭戰的對象 Enemies in the battles 弗6:12
二 穿戴全副軍裝 Wearing the whole armor of God 弗6:13-18節
- 真理的腰帶 Belt of Truth 弗6:14
- 公義的護心鏡 Breastplate of Righteousness 弗6:14
- 平安的福音鞋 Shoes fitted with the Gospel of Peace弗6:15
- 信德的藤牌 Shield of Faith 弗6:16
- 救恩的頭盔 Helmet of Salvation 弗6:17
- 聖靈的寶劍 Sword of the Holy Spirit 弗6:18
三 投入屬靈爭戰 Engaging in spiritual battles 林后10:4-6節
- 爭戰的兵器 Weapons of warfare
- 爭戰的目標 Goal of the battle
- 爭戰的戰場 Battlefield of war
- 爭戰的得勝 Victory in the battle
The Church at War, 爭戰的教會