Sermons February 25, 2018

Intern Caleb Zhang 2/25/2018 (Audio Only) 主題: 試煉中的忍耐與禱告 Title: Perseverance and Prayer in Trials 經文: 雅各書五章 7~20 節 Scripture: James 5:7~20 Download...

Sermons February 18, 2018

Intern Caleb Zhang 2/18/2018 (Audio Only) 主題: 誰是你的主? Title: Who Is Your Lord? 經文: 雅各書四章 11 節~五章 6 節 Scripture: James 4:11~5:6 Download...

Sermons February 11, 2018

Rev. Peter Mondello 2/11/2018 Title: What Does God Require? 講題: 神的要求是什麼? Scripture Reading: Acts 15:1 – 12 經文: 使徒行傳十五章 1-12 節 Download...

Sermons February 4, 2018

Intern Caleb Zhang 2/04/2018 (Sound Only) 講題: 脫離爭競 Title: Free from Strife 經文: 雅各書四章 1-10 節 Scripture: James 4:1-10 Download...

Sermons January 28, 2018

Intern Caleb Zhang 1/28/2018 (Sound Only) 講題:智慧和言語 Title : Wisdom and Conversation 經文:雅各書三章 13-18 節 James 3:13-18 Download...