講題: 安逸中的墮落 Title: Lost in Comfort 經文Scripture: 士師記Judges 3:7-14; 彼得後書 2nd Peter 1:5-8    1 背逆帶來的困境 Rebellion brought forth difficulties 2 呼求帶來的拯救 Call brought forth salvation 3 安逸帶來的墮落 Ease brought forth…
講題: 守約與背約 Title: Keep or Break the Covenant 經文Scripture: 申命記Deuteronomy 6:1-9; 士師記Judges2:1-3 1 聖約 The Covenant 2 士師記結構 The structures of the Book of Judges 3 傳承的警告與失敗 The warning and…
講題: 十字架(2)高溫下成長的果樹 Title: The Cross – Growing under Heat 經文 Scripture: 加拉太書五章19-23節 Galatians 5:19-23   高溫下不同的成長 Various growth under heat 1 自然環境中成長成荊棘 - 在罪的大環境下,內心情慾中自我定位 Growing into thorns in the natural environment -…
講題: 人怎樣改變(八): 荊棘-阻擋成聖的偶像 Title: How People Change (8): Idols that Block Sanctification 經文 Scripture: 馬太福音 Matthew 13:19-23  1 撒但的工作- 阻擋人信主成聖 Satan's work - preventing people from believing in the Lord 2 偶像的定義-…
講題: 人怎樣改變(四)  改變的過程- 神心意中的改變 Sermon Title: How People Change (IV) The Process – Change in Christ 經文Scripture: 耶利米書Jeremiah 17:5-10 1 改變的基礎 The Basis of Change: 目標、身分、環境 Goal, Status, Environment 2 改變過程中的要素 Elements…
講題: 人怎樣改變(III) 新的環境 - 合一中的改變 Sermon Title: How People Change (III) New Environment - Change in Unity 經文: 以弗所書四章4-16節 Scripture: Ephesians 4: 4-16 1 世俗個人主義的挑戰 Challenges of secular individualism 2 神的形象是合一…