講題: 無名的服事 Title: The Nameless Service 經文 Scripture: 士師記 Judges 10:1~6      士師陀拉、睚珥 (第五循環) Judges Tola, Jair (The fifth cycle) 沒有名氣的士師  The nameless judges 默默無名的服事   The nameless service
講題: 如何負起重建的任務 Title: How to Take up the Mission of Rebuilding 經文 Scripture: 以斯拉記 Ezra 3:1-13 1 新的委身——重建祭壇 New commitment—Rebuild the alter 2 新的順服——重新奠定基礎 New Submission---Reestablish the foundation 3 新的優先——立志讚美主 New…
講題: 在信心中歸回 Title: Returning in Faith 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記 Ezra 1:5, 2:1-2, 64-67 1 歸回的決心 The resolve of returning 2 歸回的行動 The action of returning 3 歸回的賞賜 The reward of returning
講題: 主耶穌的教會的誕生:耶路撒冷教會 Title: Jesus’ Church Is Born-Jerusalem Church 經文Scripture: 使徒行傳 Acts 1:1-11   前言 Introduction 1 教會的誕生是永生真神的計劃 The birth of the Church is God’s plan 2 教會宣告的福音是救贖在先,才能靠聖靈的能力過聖潔的生活 The Church is to proclaim a…
講題: 天國的寬恕 Title: Kingdom Forgiveness 經文Scripture: 馬太福音Matthew 18:21-35 Introduction: The Kingdom of Heaven is about unlimited forgiveness. 前言:天國是關於無限的寬恕 1 My sin is like a huge debt to God 我的罪就像欠上帝的一筆巨債 2 I may…
講題: 本於證據的信心 Title: Evidence Driven Faith 經文Scripture: 士師記Judges 6:36-40節; 希伯來書11:6 1 士師基甸(第四個循環) Gideon the Judge (the fourth cycle) 2 基甸蒙召、爭戰證據 The evidence of Gideon’s calling and fighting 3 本於證據的信心 Evidence Driven…
講題: 在恩典中歸回 Title: Return in Grace 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記Ezra 1:1-8 1 歸回是神的心意 Returning is God’s will 2 歸回是神的作為 Returning is God’s work 3 歸回是神的恩典 Returning is God’s grace
講題: 不得榮耀的得勝 Title: Victory without Honor 經文Scripture: 士師記四章1-21節 Judges 4:1-21 1 女士師底波拉 Deborah the woman judge 2 軟弱的弟兄巴拉 Barak the weak brother 3 得勝但不得榮耀 Victory without glory 4 姊妹帶來的幫助 Help brought in…