Sermons January 21, 2018

Intern Caleb Zhang 1/21/2018 (Sound Only) 經文:雅各書三章 1-12 節 Title: Taming The Tongue James 3:1-12 Download...

Sermons January 7, 2018

Rev. Peter Mondello 1/7/2018 講題:上帝有一個計劃 Title: God Has A Plan 經文:使徒行傳十三章 Scripture: Acts 13 Download...

Sermons December 31, 2017

Rev. Jeff Johnson 12/31/2017 講題:溫柔的人有福了 Title: Blessed are the Meek 經文:馬太福音五章 3-5 節 Scripture: Matthew 5: 3-5 Download...