Sermons October 15, 2017

Brother Grant Yeh 講題: 克服障礙的信心Sermon Title: Faith That Overcomes Obstacles經文: 馬可福音二章 1-12 節Scripture: Mark 2:1-12 URL to PDF...

Sermon October 1, 2017

Rev. Peter Mondello October 1, 2017 Title: God’s Purpose in Saul’s Conversion 講題: 神選召掃羅的目的 Scripture: Acts 9: 1-16 經文: 使徒行傳九章 1-16 節 Download...

Sermon August 20, 2017

Brother Grant Yeh 講題: 靠主得潔淨 Sermon Title: Cleansed by Relying on the Lord 經文: 馬可福音一章 40-45 節 Scripture: Mark 1:40-45 Download...

Sermon August 6, 2017

Rev. Peter Mondello Acts 5:1~ 6:7 講題: 使徒行傳五章 1 節~六章 7 節 Scripture: Acts 6:1-7 經文: 使徒行傳六章 1-7 節 Download...