講題: 作主要我作的 Title: Do Whatever the Lord Tells Me 經文: 約翰福音二章1~11節 Scripture: John 2:1~11 前言 Introduction 1 馬利亞心目中的耶穌 Jesus in the eyes of Mary 2 正確的看馬利亞 To see Mary from the correct…
講題: 預備主的道,修直祂的路 Title:Make Ready the Way of the Lord, Make His Paths Straight 經文: 馬太福音三章1-17節 Scripture:Matthew 3:1-17 - 前言 Introduction - 什麼是「天國近了」? What is “the Kingdom of heaven is near! “ - 什麼是「你們應當悔改」? What is “repent “ - 比悔改之洗更有能力的洗 A baptism mightier…
講題: 住在主的殿中 Sermon Title: Dwelling in the Temple of the Lord 經文: 路加福音二章41~52節 Scriptures: Luke 2:41~52 前言 Introduction 一、馬利亞眼中的耶穌 Jesus in the eyes of Mary 二、我們以身體為主的殿 Our body is the Temple of…
講題: 尊主耶穌為王 Sermon Title: Magnifying Lord Jesus as King經文: 馬太福音 2: 1-12 Matthew 2: 1-12 大綱 Outline: 一、前言 Introduction 二、三種對王的態度 Three attitudes toward King 1.希律王 King Herod 2.祭司和文士 Priests and teachers of the…
講題: 順服主-以基督的心為心 Sermon Title: Obeying God - Having the Same Attitude that Christ Jesus Has 經文: 腓立比書2:5-11 (Philippians 2:5-11) 大綱 Outline: 1 回顧腓立比書2:1-4 Review Philippians 2:1-4 2 三種順服 Three Types of…
講題:連於基督的團契生活 Sermon Title: The Fellowship with Jesus Christ 經文: 腓力比書2:1-4 Scripture: Philippians 2:1-4 前言 Introduction 一、連於基督的團契生活 The fellowship with Jesus Christ 二、教會的團契生活 The fellowship in church 三、破壞團契的個人因素 The factors damage the fellowship in church…
講題:翻轉悲慘命運的跟隨 Sermon Title: The Following Averts a Destiny 經文:馬太福音一章5節; 路得記一章16節 Scripture: Matthew 1:5; Ruth 1:16 前言 Introduction 1 跟對了人和她所信的神 Following the right person and the God she believes 2 以拾麥穗為生 Make a living by…
講題: 我們是蒙神應許所生的兒女 Sermon Title: We are children born through God’s promise 經文: 馬太福音1:2;加拉太書3:6-18, 4:1-7, 4:21-31 Scripture: Matthew 1:2; Galatians 3:6-18, 4:1-7, 4:21-31 前言 Introduction 亞伯拉罕的福臨到基督徒 Abraham's blessing to Christians 1 因信稱義的福 The blessing of being…
講題: 未見而相信的應許 Title: Promises Believed without Seeing 經文 : 馬太福音一章 1節; 創世記十二章 1~ 3節 Scripture Matthew 1:1; Genesis 12:1~3 前言 Introduction 一 第一類的應許-國度 First type of promises – the nation…