講題: 保羅的秘密 Sermon Title: Paul’s Secret 讀經: 使徒行傳廿一章10-15節 Scripture: Acts 21:10-15 1 Compelled by the Spirit 被聖靈所驅使 2 Paul’s task 保羅的任務 3 God’s grace 上帝的恩典 4 Paul’s secret 保羅的秘密 5 Arrested in…
講題: 以色列阿,你要聽!Sermon Title: Hear, O Israel 經文: 馬太福音廿二章37-40節 Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40 前言 Introduction 1 以色列阿,你要聽!Hear, O Israel 2 是看還是聽? To see or to hear? 3 都是因為世界觀 It’s all about worldview 4 有對話有溝通才能認識 (包括讀) Knowing…
講題: 保羅的財寶 Sermon Title: Paul’s Treasure 經文: 使徒行傳二十章13~21節 Scripture: Acts 20:13~21 1 Departing from Ephesus  從以弗所離開 2 Encouraging the churches 勸勉眾教會 3 Raising the dead  使死人復活 4 Farewell beloved friends  與好友道別 5 How…
講題: 歸回正途 Sermon Title: Return to the Right Way 經文: 何西阿書十四章1-9節 Scripture: Hosea 14:1-9 1 墮落帶來審判 The Fall brought judgement 2 悔改得以恢復重建 Repentance will bring restoration 環境恢復 Environment restored 引導恢復 Guidance restored 關係恢復 Relationship…
講題: 為天國儆醒  Sermon Title: Awaken to the Kingdom 經文: 馬太福音廿五章1~4, 14~15, 34~36節 Scripture: Matthew 25:1~4, 14~15, 34~36 Introduction           前言 1 Always be ready  隨時做好準備 2 Always be investing 隨時投資永恆 3 Always be serving 隨時服事眾人…
講題: 以弗所的衝突 Sermon Title: Conflict at Ephesus 經文: 使徒行傳十九章23~41節 Scripture: Acts 19:23~41 1 Ancient Ephesus   古代以弗所 2 Who is Artemis?   誰是亞底米? 3 When the Holy Spirit Is on the Move, Conflict Is Inevitable   當聖靈在行動時, 衝突是不可避免的 4 Put…
講題: 耶穌尋找拯救失喪的人 Sermon Title: Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost 經文: 路加福音十九章1~10節 Scripture: Luke 19:1~10 一.前言 Introduction 二.經文背景 Background of this Scripture 三.撒該渴慕見耶穌 Zacchaeus Longing to See Jesus 四.耶穌尋找與拯救撒該 Jesus Came to Seek…
講題: 悔改與信心 Sermon Title: Repentance AND Faith 經文: 使徒行傳十八章23節~十九章7節 Scripture: Acts 18:23~19:7 1 Apollos 亞波羅 2 Priscilla & Aquila 百基拉和亞居拉 3 Paul in Ephesus 保羅在以弗所 4 John’s baptism of repentance 約翰悔改的洗 5 Baptism of…

亡於無知 Lost in Ignorance

September 2, 2018
講題: 亡於無知 Sermon Title: Lost in Ignorance 經文: 何西阿書四章1-19節 Scripture: Hosea 4:1-19 1 神對子民的控訴和判決  God’s accusation and verdict against His people 不認識神, 犯神的誡命, 祭司失職 Did not know God, violated His commandments,…
講題: 我與你同在 Sermon Title: I Am with You 經文: 使徒行傳十八章1~6節 Scripture: Acts 18:1~6 1 Brief Review 簡單的復習 2 From Athens to Corinth 從雅典到哥林多 3 From discouragement 從灰心 4 To encouragement…