講題: 女人后裔的傳承與守護 Title: Heirship and Guardianship of the Seed of the Woman 經文Scripture: 申命記Deuteronomy 6:5-9 1 女人的后裔之爭 The Struggle between woman’s descendants 2 敬虔后裔的傳承 The legacy of godly descendants 3 智慧母親的典範 The…
講題: 女人後裔的承繼與守護 Title: Heirship and Guardianship of the Seed of the Woman 經文: 創世記三章14-15節 Scripture: Genesis 3:14-15 1 文化使命 Cultural Mandate 2 彼此為仇的后裔 Enmity between the Two Seeds 3 彌賽亞家譜的延續 Continuation of the…