講題: 主耶穌的教會的誕生 II Title: Jesus’ Church Is Born-Jerusalem Church II 經文Scripture: 使徒行傳Acts 2:1~13 宣道會創辦人宣信博士 C&MA founder Dr. A. B. Simpson was born on Dec 15th 1843. 1 聖經告訴我們教會是在五旬節誕生,在主耶穌升天后第十天。The Church was born on…
講題: 主耶穌的教會的誕生:耶路撒冷教會 Title: Jesus’ Church Is Born-Jerusalem Church 經文Scripture: 使徒行傳 Acts 1:1-11 前言 Introduction 1 教會的誕生是永生真神的計劃 The birth of the Church is God’s plan 2 教會宣告的福音是救贖在先,才能靠聖靈的能力過聖潔的生活 The Church is to proclaim a…