講題: 國度的的恢復與拓展 Title: Restoration and Expansion of the Kingdom 經文:阿摩斯書九章節11~12 , 使徒行傳十五章12~19節 Scripture: Amos 9:11~12, Acts 15:12~19 1 警告與審判 Waring and Judgement 2 安慰與應許 Comforts and promises 3 耶穌基督得勝 Jesus Christ won…
講題:末世警語 Title: The Ultimatum 經文:阿摩司書八章1~14節 Scripture: Amos 8:1~14 1 夏天的果子 The ripe fruit - 結局到了、不再寬恕 The end is near, no more forgiveness 2 罪行控訴   The accusations - 欺壓窮人   Bullying the poor - 褻瀆聖日…

進入安息 Enter the Rest

February 17, 2019
講題: 進入安息 Sermon Title: Enter the Rest    經文: 馬太福音 Matthew 11:28-30 大綱 Outline: 神使人休息 God Gives People Rest 造物主不休息,受造物要休息The Creator does not rest, but the creation must rest   休息在救贖中:為奴之家進入安息Rest is in salvation:…
講題:喜從何來? Sermon Title: Where Comes the Happiness? 經文: 路加福音 4:16-21 Scripture:  Luke 4: 16-21 大綱 Outline: 神要他的子民如何過年 How God wants His people to spend the New Year 1 向神悔罪 祈求赦免 Repentance to God, pray for forgiveness 2 吹角紀念 迎接主來…
講題:第一件聖誕禮物 Sermon Title: The First Christmas Gift 經文:馬太福音二章1-11節 Scripture: Matthew 2:1-11 1 聖誕的喜樂 The joy of Christmas 2 失去喜樂的原因 Reason for losing joy 3 第一件聖誕禮物 The first Christmas gift 4 尋回失去的喜樂 Finding…
講題: 向神稱謝 Sermon Title:Give Thanks to the Lord 經文: 詩篇一百篇 Scripture: Psalm 100 向全地宣告,人理當向耶和華稱謝並樂意事奉祂 Proclaim to the world, all men shall exhort to praise God, serve Him with the whole heart and a willing…
講題: 歸回正途 Sermon Title: Return to the Right Way 經文: 何西阿書十四章1-9節 Scripture: Hosea 14:1-9 1 墮落帶來審判 The Fall brought judgement 2 悔改得以恢復重建 Repentance will bring restoration 環境恢復 Environment restored 引導恢復 Guidance restored 關係恢復 Relationship…

亡於無知 Lost in Ignorance

September 2, 2018
講題: 亡於無知 Sermon Title: Lost in Ignorance 經文: 何西阿書四章1-19節 Scripture: Hosea 4:1-19 1 神對子民的控訴和判決  God’s accusation and verdict against His people 不認識神, 犯神的誡命, 祭司失職 Did not know God, violated His commandments,…
講題: 離而復合, 失而又得 Title: Divorce and Reconcile, Lost and Restored 經文: 何西阿書二章2-23節 Scripture: Hosea 2:2-23 1 上面的事 Upper Story 1.1 背約離婚導致審判  Breaking convenant brings judgment   控訴不忠於丈夫的淫婦(以色列),移情別戀 The adulteress (Israel)…