講題: 神的榮耀 Title: The Glory of God 經文Scripture: 以西結書 Ezekiel 40: 1~4; 44: 4~5 I 神的榮耀就是神的顯現,表明神心意滿足 The glory of God is the appearance of God, showing that God’s will be satisfied…
講題: 絕望中的希望 Title: Hope for the Hopeless 經文Scripture: 以西結書Ezekiel 37: 1~11 1 估計你的狀況 Assess the situation 2 激動你的信心 Activate your faith 3 用上帝的話來解決你的問題 Addressing your problem with the Word of God 4…
講題: 神榮耀的異象 Title: Vision of God's Glory 經文Scripture: 以西結書Ezekiel 1: 1~14 I 在狂風與火雲的背景,是要表明神的審判;In the background of windstorm and cloud of fire, it is to show the judgment of God; 以西結書…
講題: 堅守承諾 Title: Standing by Our Promises 經文Scripture: 尼希米記 Nehemiah 13: 15~31 做正確的事永不會太晚 It’s never too late to do what’s right 不要玩弄罪惡 Don’t play around with sin. 記住神是誰 Remember who God…
講題: 同心事奉神 Title: Serving God in Unity 經文Scripture: 尼希米記 Nehemiah 12: 44~47 事奉行動Serving Action 尼希米記Nehemiah 11 1 搬離你的安逸區Move Out of Your Comfort Zone. 2 交託與至聖之神Commit to Holiness. 3 為神的事工動員Mobilize for Ministry.…
講題: 永續性的投資 Title: Making Investments That Last 經文Scripture: 尼希米記 Nehemiah 10: 28~39 誓言1:順從神的話 Submission to God’s Word 誓言2:與世界有別 Separation From the World 誓言3:為神的子民安息 Sabbath for God’s People 誓言4:支持神的事工 Support For God’s…
講題: 心靈的重整 Title: Reorganization of Spiritual Life 經文Scripture: 尼希米記 Nehemiah 9: 31~38 1 神的偉大 The Greatness of God 2 神的寬容慈愛 The Goodness of God 3 神的恩典 The Grace of God
講題: 靈命更新的步驟 Title: Steps to Spiritual Renewal 經文Scripture: 尼希米記 Nehemiah 8: 1~18 1 你能明白神的話 You Can Understand It (8:1-8) 2 你有喜樂洋溢 You Can Rejoice In It (8:9-12) 3 你樂於遵行 You Can…
講題: 對付分心的事物 Title: Dealing with Distractions 經文Scripture: 尼希米記 Nehemiah 6: 1~19 I 敵人的詭計The Deception (v. 1-4) II 敵人的諷刺The Innuendo (v. 5-9) III 敵人的恫嚇The Intimidation (v. 10-19) 抗敵步驟Action Steps: 1…
講題: 如何阻止衝突 Title: How to Stop Conflict 經文Scripture: 尼希米記Nehemiah 5: 1~19 1 懇求他們的愛 Appealed to their love (v. 7) 2 提醒神的救贖目的 Reminded of God’s redemptive purpose (v. 8) 3 以神的話為根基 Based…