講題: 人怎樣改變(III) 新的環境 - 合一中的改變 Sermon Title: How People Change (III) New Environment - Change in Unity 經文: 以弗所書四章4-16節 Scripture: Ephesians 4: 4-16 1 世俗個人主義的挑戰 Challenges of secular individualism 2 神的形象是合一…
講題: 神引領你去的地方 Sermon Title: Here’s Where God is Taking You 經文: 哥林多前書十五章50-52節 Scripture:  1 Corinthians 15: 50-52 1 目標決定人生Goal determines how we live 2 神要帶你去的地方Where God is taking you 3 終極目標做準備Prepare for…
講題: 靠主喜樂 Sermon Title: Rejoice in the Lord 經文: 腓立比書三章1-14節 Scripture: Philippians 3:1-14 1 棄絕虛假的喜樂 Renouncing the false joy 2 得著真實的喜樂 Having the real joy 3 追求喜樂的源頭 Pursuit of the source of joy

面對風浪 Facing the Storm

November 10, 2019
講題: 面對風浪 Sermon Title: Facing the Storm 經文: 哥林多後書四章7-10節 Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-10  1 人的毅力或是神的能力 Perseverance of man or power of God 2 盼望在人或是盼望在神 Hope in man or hope in God 3 生命成長或是生命耗盡 Growing life…
講題: 恩典的信念 Sermon Title: The Concept of Grace 經文: 以弗所書二章1-10節 Scripture: Ephesians 2: 1-10 1 行為稱義的錯誤 Error of justification by work 2 因信稱義的真理 Truth of justification by faith 3 基督的義和展示的義 Christ’s righteousness…
講題: 失而復得的榮耀 Sermon Title: The Lost but Regained Glory 經文: 歌羅西書1章25-28節 Scripture:  Colossians 1:25-28 1 榮耀的源頭 Source of Glory 2 榮耀的賦予Empowerment of Glory 3 榮耀的傳揚Proclamation of Glory 4 榮耀的虧缺 Falling Short of Glory 5…
講題: 我由天再來 Sermon Title: I Return From Above 經文: 馬太福音二十四章37-42節 Scripture: Matthew 24:37-42 1 主再來的预兆: 天災人禍 The omen of the Lord's return: natural disasters 2 主再來的結果: 取去一个,撇下一个 The result of the Lord's return: one will be…
講題: 我回天上去 Sermon Title: I Go Back to Heaven 經文: 約14:2-6 Scripture: John 14: 2-6 1 你去那裡? Where you are going? 2 錯誤目標造成錯誤計畫 Wrong Goal Leads to Wrong Plan 3 聖經揭開死亡的真相 The Bible Reveals the Truth…
講題:我從天上來 Sermon Title: I Am from Above 經文: 約 翰福音八章12, 23, 24節 Scripture: John 8:12, 23, 24 1 人不安的原因        Why man is disturbed - 永恆與有限之間的張力     - Tension between the eternal…