亡於無知 Lost in Ignorance
講題: 亡於無知
Sermon Title: Lost in Ignorance
經文: 何西阿書四章1-19節
Scripture: Hosea 4:1-19
1 神對子民的控訴和判決 God’s accusation and verdict against His people
不認識神, 犯神的誡命, 祭司失職
Did not know God, violated His commandments, priests did not fulfill their duties
地、人民、生物受咒詛, 祭司與百姓一同受罰
The land, people, and crops were cursed; priests and people were punished
2 警誡 Warning
神放棄以色列以致滅亡 God forsook Israel and let it be destroyed
猶大不要重蹈覆轍 Judah, do not make the same mistake
3 現今的信息 Today’s message
災禍不斷出於無知不認識神 Constant disasters come from ignorance and not knowing God
教會牧者要教導傳講神的話 Pastors and elders of the church must teach God’s Word
神的兒女要順服神的話行事 God’s children must obey God’s Word and behave accordingly
Lost in Ignorance, 亡於無知