人怎樣改變(四) 改變的過程- 神心意中的改變 How People Change (IV) The Process – Change in Christ
講題: 人怎樣改變(四) 改變的過程- 神心意中的改變
Sermon Title: How People Change (IV) The Process – Change in Christ
經文Scripture: 耶利米書Jeremiah 17:5-10
1 改變的基礎 The Basis of Change:
目標、身分、環境 Goal, Status, Environment
2 改變過程中的要素 Elements in the Process of Change:
困境、天然反應、基督、悔改歸向神 Dilemma, Natural Response, Christ, Repentance to God
3 曠野困境中的鋻誡 The Commandment in the Wilderness:
靠自己帶來毀滅、靠基督帶來生命 Bring destruction by relying on yourself, but life by Christ