人怎樣改變 (七) 荊棘 – 高溫下彰顯的墮落 How People Change (VI) Thorns – Depravity Under the Heat
講題: 人怎樣改變 (七) 荊棘 – 高溫下彰顯的墮落 Sermon Title: How People Change (VI) Thorns - Depravity Under the Heat
經文 Scripture: 弗 Eph 4:17-24; 林後 2Cor 5:17
1 隨著環境改變的生命 Life changing with the environment
2 靠著基督改變的生命 Life changed by Christ
2a 基督在過去做成的更新 Renewal made by Christ in the past
2b 基督在現在做成的更 新 Renewal made by Christ in the present
2c 基督在未來做成的更新 Renewal made by Christ in the future