人怎樣改變 (六) 高温 – 真實世界中真實的我 How People Change (VI) The Heat – The True Self in the True World
講題: 人怎樣改變 (六) 高温 - 真實世界中真實的我
Sermon Title: How People Change (VI) The Heat – The True Self in the True World
經文Scripture: 羅馬書 Romans 8: 20-25
1 破碎世界中所面對的徒勞 Futility faced in a broken world
2 每一樣事都按某種形式消亡 Everything perishing in some way
3 生活經歷充滿劇烈的掙扎和痛苦 Life experience full of intense struggle and pain
4 忍耐等候上帝最終的救贖 Wait patiently for God's final salvation
5 抵擋魔鬼利用環境敗壞我們 Resist the devil who uses the environment to corrupt us