同心事奉神 Serving God in Unity
講題: 同心事奉神 Title: Serving God in Unity
經文Scripture: 尼希米記 Nehemiah 12: 44~47
事奉行動Serving Action 尼希米記Nehemiah 11
1 搬離你的安逸區Move Out of Your Comfort Zone.
2 交託與至聖之神Commit to Holiness.
3 為神的事工動員Mobilize for Ministry.
4 崇拜中渴慕神Adore God in Worship.
崇拜的指引Guidelines for Worship 尼希米記Nehemiah 12
1 崇拜的目的The Purpose of Worship.
2 崇拜的喜樂The Joy of Worship.
3 崇拜的見證The Witness of Worship.
4 崇拜的反應The Response of Worship.
Serving God in Unity, 同心事奉神