同心建造 Build It Together
講題: 同心建造 Title: Build It Together
經文Scripture: 以斯拉記Ezra 6:14~22
建殿工程順利的完成 以斯拉記 Ezra 6
The temple construction project was successfully completed
- 神使亞述王的心轉向 God turned the heart of the king of Assyria (1-13節)
- 神堅固猶太人的手 God strengthens the hands of the Jews (14-15節)
- 神使猶太人歡喜 God makes the Jews joyful (16-22節)
同心建造Build it together 以弗所書Ephesians 4
- 要與蒙召的恩相稱 To live a life worthy of the calling (1節)
- 要竭力保守靈的合一 Do your best to preserve the unity of the spirit (2-6節)
- 要盡恩賜的職責以裝備聖徒 To equip his people for works of service (7-14節)
- 要各盡其職以建立基督的身體 Each must do his part to build up the body of Christ (15-16節)
Build It Together, 同心建造