喜從何來? Where Comes the Happiness?
講題:喜從何來? Sermon Title: Where Comes the Happiness?
經文: 路加福音 4:16-21 Scripture: Luke 4: 16-21
大綱 Outline:
神要他的子民如何過年 How God wants His people to spend the New Year
1 向神悔罪 祈求赦免 Repentance to God, pray for forgiveness
2 吹角紀念 迎接主來 Commemorated with blowing horns, receiving Lord’s coming
3 等候禧年 釋放恢復 Waiting for the Jubilee, emancipation and restoration
耶和華禧年的來到、開展、實現 The coming, development, and realization of the Lord's Jubilee
1 最初的角聲 - 神的降臨 接納子民
The initial horn sound - the advent of God, accepting the people
2 年初的角聲 - 預備儆醒 迎接主來
The sound of the beginning of the year - preparation and watchfulness, receiving Lord’s coming
3 最終的角聲 - 被提升天 與主同住
The final horn sound - being caught up, living with the Lord
Where Comes the Happiness?, 喜從何來?