基督徒行事七要 (1) 要被聖靈充满 Seven Things Christians Must Do (1) Be Filled with the Holy Spirit
講題: 基督徒行事七要(I) - 要被聖靈充滿 Title: Seven Things Christians Must Do (I) – Be Filled with the Holy Spirit
經文Scripture: 以弗所書 Ephesians 5: 15~21
I 被聖靈充滿的條件 Requirement for being filled with the Spirit (弗 Eph. 5:18)
II 被聖靈充滿的事實和表現 Reality & Expression of being filled with the Spirit (弗 Eph. 5:18)
1 德行上的充滿 Filling in our Characters (加 Gal. 5:22-23)
2 喜樂的充滿 Filling in our Joy
3 恩賜及特殊能力的充滿 Filling in our Gifts and Special Capabilities