堅守承諾 Standing By Our Promises
講題: 堅守承諾 Title: Standing by Our Promises
經文Scripture: 尼希米記 Nehemiah 13: 15~31
- 做正確的事永不會太晚 It’s never too late to do what’s right
- 不要玩弄罪惡 Don’t play around with sin.
- 記住神是誰 Remember who God is.
- 培養出讚美和禱告的生活型態 Cultivate a lifestyle of praise and prayer
- 搬離你的舒適環境 Move out of your comfort zone.
- 勿讓逆境使你離開正道 Don‘t let difficulties derail you.
- 設法解決關係破裂 Seek to resolve relational ruptures.
- 向神的首要說「是的」,向魔鬼的攪亂說「絕不」Say “yes” to God’s priorities and “no” to the devil’s distractions.
- 信靠神的應許並奉旨行事 Believe the promises of God and act upon them.
- 讓神來使用你 Allow God to use you
Standing By Our Promises, 堅守承諾