家庭十誡 Ten Commandments for the Home
講題 Title: 家庭十誡 Ten Commandments for the Home
經文 Scripture: 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 11:3; 以弗所書 Ephesians 5:23; 約翰福音 John 4:34
大綱 Outline:
引言 Introduction:
1 建立屬神的管理制度 (林前1 Cor. 11:3; 弗Eph. 5:23) Establish God’s chain of command
2 遵守愛的誡命 (約 John 15:12; 弗Eph. 5:25, 22, 21) Obey the command to love one another
3 彼此接納,彼此感激 (西Col. 3:13) Show acceptance and appreciation for each family member
4 尊重掌權的 (約John 4:34) Have respect for authority
5 管教與紀律 (箴Prov. 22:6) Training and discipline
6 享受生命,彼此享受 (在一起的喜樂 ) (詩Ps.16:11; 腓Phil. 4:4) Enjoy one another and enjoy life
7 不可姦淫 (出Ex. 20:14; 來Heb. 13:4) Do not commit adultery
8 要是個工作的家庭 (帖後2 Thess. 3:10) Have a working family
9 同讀聖經,一同禱告 (西Col. 3:16; 徒Acts 17:11) Pray together and read the Bible together
10 福音的負擔 (徒Acts 16:25-34) Every Christian family member ought to be concerned about others, that all might be saved
結論與應用 Conclusion and Application