怎樣與神同行 How to Walk with God
講題:怎樣與神同行 Sermon Title: How to Walk with God
經文: 彌迦書6:8 Scripture: Micah 6: 8
一、前言 Introduction
二、時代背景 Background
三、彌迦先知見到的不義 The injustice that the prophet Micah saw
四、先知認識到神的懲罰 The prophet recognized God’s punishments
五、與神同行的要求 Requirements for walking with God
- 行公義 To do justly
- 好憐憫 To love mercy
- 存謙卑的心 To walk humbly
六、結語 Conclusion
How to Walk with God, 怎樣與神同行