我由天再來 I Return From Above
講題: 我由天再來 Sermon Title: I Return From Above
經文: 馬太福音二十四章37-42節 Scripture: Matthew 24:37-42
1 主再來的预兆: 天災人禍 The omen of the Lord's return: natural disasters
2 主再來的結果: 取去一个,撇下一个 The result of the Lord's return: one will be taken and the other left
3 主再來的警告The warning of the Lord's return:
- 照常吃喝的世代A generation that eats and drinks as usual
- 難以改變的世代A generation that is difficult to change
- 指望今生的世代A generation that counts on this life
- 新舊交替的世代A generation that new replaces old
I Return From Above, 我由天再來