末世警語 The Ultimatum
講題:末世警語 Title: The Ultimatum
經文:阿摩司書八章1~14節 Scripture: Amos 8:1~14
1 夏天的果子 The ripe fruit
- 結局到了、不再寬恕 The end is near, no more forgiveness
2 罪行控訴 The accusations
- 欺壓窮人 Bullying the poor
- 褻瀆聖日 Blaspheming the holy day
- 商業詐欺 Defrauding transactions
3 宣判 The sentence
- 大災難 Tribulation
- 神話語止息 God’s Word stopped
- 拜偶像者滅亡 Idol worshipers put to death
4 現今意義 The meaning for today
- 隨時儆醒 Be alert always
- 及時悔改 Repent in a timely manner
The Ultimatum, 末世警語