歸回正途 Return to the Right Way
講題: 歸回正途 Sermon Title: Return to the Right Way
經文: 何西阿書十四章1-9節 Scripture: Hosea 14:1-9
1 墮落帶來審判 The Fall brought judgement
2 悔改得以恢復重建 Repentance will bring restoration
- 環境恢復 Environment restored
- 引導恢復 Guidance restored
- 關係恢復 Relationship restored
- 轉變原因: 基督成為贖罪祭 Reason for the change: Christ became a sin offering
3 誰得安慰Who is comforted?
- 人類歷史和世上國度遭審判 Human history and the nations of the world are judged
- 每個世代都有得安慰的餘民 Every generation has remnants who receive comfort
- 被神拯救、引導的人,神的兒女 Those who are saved and guided by God are children of God
Return to the Right Way, 歸回正途