神與我們同在(以馬內利) God with us (Emmanuel)
講題: 神與我們同在(以馬內利) Sermon Title: God with us (Emmanuel)
經文: 馬太福音一章23節 Scripture: Matthew 1:23
1 前言 Introduction
2 神與人同在的四個歷史時期 The four historical periods of God's presence with man
3 認識並經歷神的同在 Know and experience God's presence
3a 遵從神的話; Obey the word of God
3b 常作神所喜悅的事; Always do things pleasing to God
3c 遵行主耶穌頒佈的大使命; Do the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus
3d 遵守神僕人的勸勉; Keep the counsel of God's servants
4 苦難與試練中神的同在 The presence of God in difficulties and trials
5 生活中看見神的同在 See God's presence in life
6 結語 Conclusions
God with us (Emmanuel), 神與我們同在(以馬內利)