聖路易 It’s Easy to walk on the Holy Road
講題: 聖路易 Title: It’s Easy to walk on the Holy Road
經文 Scripture: 馬太福音 Matthew 11:28-29, 16:24
- 聖路是小路,也要先進窄門,卻是通往永生之道
The holy road is narrow, and it must go through the small gate, but it is the way to eternal life
- 聖路是十字架的道路,是跟從耶穌必走的道路
The holy road is the way of the cross, the way to follow Jesus
- 聖路也是活祭的道路,不可半途而廢
The holy road is also the way of living sacrifices, not to be abandoned halfway
- 聖路是與主同行的道路,絕不孤單,生活有力,行路有光亮
The holy road is the way to walk with the Lord, never alone, strong in life, and bright in the way
- 聖路是傳福音的道路,同心合意,興旺福音
The holy road is the way to preach the gospel, in one accord
- 整個教會也是走在聖路上----其中最大的困難之一是合一的問題
The whole church is also walking on the holy road-one of the biggest difficulties is unity
結論 Conclusion---take home message
It’s Easy to walk on the Holy Road, 聖路易