追求長進 Pursuing Maturity
講題: 追求長進 Title: Pursuing Maturity
經文:哥林多前書三章1~3節, 希伯來書五章12~14節, 以弗所書四章11~14節
Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 3:1~3, Hebrews 5:12~14, Ephesians 4:11~14
一 前言 Introduction
二 嬰孩的特點 The characteristics of an infant
三 怎樣才能長進 How to grow into maturity
1依靠聖靈 Rely on the Holy Spirit
2讀經 Read the Bible
3 禱告 Pray
4 參加聚會與服侍 Fellowship and serve
5 勝過肉體 Overcome the flesh
四.結語 Conclusion
Pursuing Maturity, 追求長進