靈命更新 Spiritual Revival
講題: 靈命更新 Sermon Title: Spiritual Revival
經文: 彼得後書一章1-16節,三章18節 Scripture: 2 Peter 1: 1-16, 3: 18
從彼得的生命來看如何建立與神的關係 Examing Peter's life to see how to build a relationship with God
1 彼得早期的服侍— 靈命長進來自於認識耶穌,跟從耶穌 Peter's early ministries - spiritual growth comes from knowing Jesus and following Jesus
2 彼得的失敗— 靈命長進來自於從自己的失敗中認識到耶穌的恩典(受苦,死和愛)Peter's failures - spiritual growth comes from the recognition of Jesus' grace (suffering, death, and love) in one’s own failures
3 彼得的更新— 靈命長進在於願意在服侍中經歷受苦的歷練 Peter's revival - spiritual growth is the willingness to experience suffering in service
Spiritual Revival, 靈命更新