講題: 四重福音 之 耶穌基督是醫治者 Sermon Title: The Fourfold Gospel –Jesus Christ the Healer 經文Scripture: 以賽亞書 Isaiah 61:1-2;使徒行傳 Acts 5:12-16 1 前言 Introduction 2 甚麼是神聖的醫治 What is divine healing? - 是上帝的旨意 Is…

認識神 Knowing God

August 30, 2020
講題: 認識神 Sermon Title: Knowing God 經文 Scripture: 以弗所書 Ephesians 1: 15-23 1 真知道神 Really know God  (1)認識他是怎樣的神Know what kind of God He is (2)認識他何等奇妙的計劃Know His incredible plan (3)認識他浩大無比的工作Know His immense…
講題: 主耶穌給我們的命令 Sermon Title: What does God ask for me 經文Scripture: 馬太福音 Matthew 19: 16-22 1 僕人的心態 The Servant's Mindset 2 怎樣付諸實踐?How to put it into practice? 3 健康的屬靈生命 Healthy spiritual…
講題: 因信稱義 Sermon Title: Justified by Faith 經文Scripture: 羅馬書Romans 3:21-26 大綱 Outline: 1 何為稱義?What is justification? 2 為何稱義?Why is justified? 3 如何稱義?How to be justified?  
講題: 人怎樣改變(四)  改變的過程- 神心意中的改變 Sermon Title: How People Change (IV) The Process – Change in Christ 經文Scripture: 耶利米書Jeremiah 17:5-10 1 改變的基礎 The Basis of Change: 目標、身分、環境 Goal, Status, Environment 2 改變過程中的要素 Elements…
講題: 誰是我的救主?Sermon Title: Who Is My Savior? 經文: 馬太福音六章24-33節;使徒行傳一章7-8節 Scripture: Matthew 6: 24-33; Acts 1: 7-8 1 不能事奉兩個主 No one can serve two masters 2 先求神的國和義 Seek first God’s kingdom and…