講題: 照所安排的 Sermon Title: According to the Plan 經文: 以弗所書一章1-14節 Scripture: Ephesians 1: 1-14 1 屬靈的福氣 Spiritual Blessings:蒙揀選,得名分,蒙救贖,得啟示,得基業,受聖靈。 Election, Adoption, Redemption, Revelation, Inheritance, Seal of the Holy Spirit. 2 恩典的實施 The Implementation of…
講題: 人怎樣改變(III) 新的環境 - 合一中的改變 Sermon Title: How People Change (III) New Environment - Change in Unity 經文: 以弗所書四章4-16節 Scripture: Ephesians 4: 4-16 1 世俗個人主義的挑戰 Challenges of secular individualism 2 神的形象是合一…

盼望 Looking Forward

March 1, 2020
講題: 盼望 Sermon Title: Looking Forward 經文: 彼得後書三章10-18節 Scripture:  2 Peter 3:10-18 1 A New Heaven & a New Earth 新天新地 2 The Day of the Lord 主的日子 3 A Thief in…

祂的應許 His Promise

February 16, 2020
講題: 祂的應許 Sermon Title:  His Promise 經文: 彼得後書三章1-9節 Scripture:  2 Peter 3: 1-9 1 The Problem 問題 2 The Biblical Solution 聖經的解決方案 3 The Mind Of Christ 基督的心 4 The Scoffers 嘲諷者 5 Uniformitarianism 均變論 6 Or…

永不回頭 No Turning Back

February 2, 2020
講題: 永不回頭 Sermon Title:  No Turning Back 經文: 彼得後書二章10-22節 Scripture:  2 Peter 2: 10-22 1 Counterfeits 假冒產品 2 Baloney Sandwich Baloney三明治 3 Balaam’s Donkey 巴蘭的驢 4 Springs Without Water 無水的井 5 Dogs,…
講題: 生命更新 Sermon Title: Renew Your Spiritual Life 經文: 馬太福音六章31-34節,列王紀上十九章11-18節 Scripture:  Matthew 6:31-34, 1 Kings 19:11-18 1 先求神的國及神的義 Seek first God's kingdom and God's righteousness 2 保守心勝過保守一切 Guard your heart above all…
講題: 好消息 & 壞消息 Sermon Title: Good News & Bad News 經文: 彼得後書二章1-10節 Scripture:  2 Peter 2: 1-10 1 False Prophets & False Teachers 假先知和假教師 2 God Judges Angels 上帝審判天使 3 God Judges The…