Sermons December 31, 2017

Rev. Jeff Johnson 12/31/2017 講題:溫柔的人有福了 Title: Blessed are the Meek 經文:馬太福音五章 3-5 節 Scripture: Matthew 5: 3-5 Download...

Sermons December 17, 2017

Rev. Zhang 12/17/2017 講題:安慰,安慰我的百姓! Title: Comfort! Comfort! Ye My People! 經文:以賽亞書四十章 1-5 節 Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-5 Download...

Sermons December 10, 2017

Brother Grant Yeh 12/10/2017 講題: 聽聞主與遇見主 Title: Hear the Lord and Meet the Lord 經文: 馬太福音九章 26-31 節 Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:26-31 Download...

Sermons September 3, 2017

Rev. Peter MondelloSermon Title:From Old to New 講題: 從舊到新 Scripture: Acts 6:8-15 經文: 使徒行傳六章 8-15 節 Download...