基督徒行事七要(V) 要常讚美主 Seven Things Christians must Do(V ) Continue to Praise God
講題:基督徒行事七要 (V):要常讚美主 Seven Things Christians must Do(V): Continue to Praise God
經文:以弗所書 Ephesians 5:19
引言: 詩歌 “心靈得安寧”著者 Horatio Spafford 1873, 著曲Philip P. Bliss 1876.
1 要靠聖靈在個人方面 “口唱心和的讚美主 ” The Spirit empowers you individually to “singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord” (弗 Eph. 5:19)
約Jn 4:23-24—
2 要靠聖靈在公共方面 “彼此對說...讚美主” The Spirit empowers you corporately “speaking to one another...to Praise the Lord” (弗 Eph. 5:19)
3 要靠聖靈在文字方面“當用詩章,頌詞,靈歌...讚美主” The Spirit empowers you to “Praise the Lord in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” (弗 Eph. 5:19)
西 Col. 3:16—
1 要被聖靈充滿:經歷聖靈的能力,有聖靈突破的經歷
2 要靠聖靈謹慎行事:懂得分辨甚麽是真理,甚麽是罪惡
3 要靠聖靈愛惜光陰:有服事,也有休息
4 要靠聖靈明白主的旨意: 也要有遵行神旨意的心
5 要靠聖靈常讚美主