天國的寬恕 Kingdom Forgiveness
講題: 天國的寬恕 Title: Kingdom Forgiveness
經文Scripture: 馬太福音Matthew 18:21-35
Introduction: The Kingdom of Heaven is about unlimited forgiveness. 前言:天國是關於無限的寬恕
1 My sin is like a huge debt to God 我的罪就像欠上帝的一筆巨債
2 I may plead for mercy, but I am not able to pay it back 我可以求饒,但我無法償還
3 God is willing to forgive my entire debt 上帝願意免除我所有的債務
4 There are others who owe me much smaller amounts 其他人欠我的要少得多
5 It is outrageous that I don’t also forgive them 我不原諒他們真是太離譜了
6 There is a consequence for my unforgiveness of others 我不饒恕別人是有後果的
Conclusion: Who have I not forgiven? 結語:我還沒有原諒誰呢?
Kingdom Forgiveness, 天國的寬恕