耶穌有意式的門徒訓練 Intentional Discipleship of Jesus
這個視頻一開始有技術上的失誤,一直到23:26才有聲音。This video has a technical error at the beginning, and there is no sound until 23:26. - Timestamps -
講題: 耶穌有意式的門徒訓練 Title: Intentional Discipleship of Jesus
經文Scripture: 約翰福音 John 1: 35-42; 馬太福音 Matthew 4: 18-19; 馬太福音 Matthew 10: 1-4
1 邀請前來體驗 - 約 1: 35-42 Invite to experience
2 呼召跟從主 - 太 4: 18-19 Call to follow
3 去造就其他門徒 - 太 10: 1-4 Go and make other disciples