離而復合, 失而又得 Divorce and Reconcile, Lost and Restored
講題: 離而復合, 失而又得
Title: Divorce and Reconcile, Lost and Restored
經文: 何西阿書二章2-23節
Scripture: Hosea 2:2-23
1 上面的事 Upper Story
1.1 背約離婚導致審判 Breaking convenant brings judgment
The adulteress (Israel) accused of not being faithful to her husband and loving someone else
判決離婚休妻,收回供應 Verdict of divorce, recouping the supplies
1.2 新約復合帶來救贖 New covenant brings salvation
恢復夫妻名分 Marriage restored
除去假神偶像(情夫)False idol (lover) removed
重立新婚約 Marriage covenant re-established
2 下面的事 Lower Story
2.1 放遂 Exile
止息安樂毀壞所賜的地 Stop the peace and destroy the given land
北國以色列 722BC 亡於亞述 Northern Kingdom of Israel destroyed on 722 BC
2.2 回歸 Return
地的恢復爭戰止息 The land revived, war ceased
恢復供應 Supplies continued
3 離而復合 失而又得
Divorce and Reconciliation, Loss and Restoration
- 上面的事(靈界)離婚與復合
Upper story (Spiritual) Divorce and reconciliation
- 下面的事(世界)放遂與回歸
Lower story (Worldly) Exile and return